Free Public Concert Series in Seattle-Area Venues
Click Here for LMC’s Event Calendar
Watch Concerts on LMC’s YouTube Channel

LMC’s most visible face is its Public Concert Series that offers free public classical music concerts from October through May by LMC member-musicians and guests. The classical music series is presented at venues throughout the Seattle metro area, including:
- Seattle Art Museum
- Seattle Public Library Central and West Seattle Branches
- Music Center of the Northwest
- Tagney Jones Hall at the Seattle Opera Center
- Bellevue’s Crossroads Community Center Theater
- University House Wallingford
- Mirabella Seattle
- Online at LMC’s YouTube Page – Video recordings of selected musical presentations. Recorded at various locations in Seattle and surrounding areas.
Our Event Calendar lists LMC events, including Public Concert Series performance dates, venue addresses, artists, and programs, in chronological order.
These intimate music programs are free and open to the public. No advance tickets are required.