901 N 96th St
Seattle, WA 98103
Clara Schumann: Virtuoso, Composer and Inspiration

A brilliant concert pianist and talented composer in her own right, Clara also inspired such master composers as Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Felix Mendelssohn and Franz Liszt. Explore the life and works of Clara Schumann as well the work of her contemporaries influenced by her teaching, editing and opinions. Various artists with a mini-lecture and reception to follow.
3 Romances, Op.22 (transcribed for clarinet and piano) by Clara Schumann
Robert Wingert (guest artist), clarinet
Valentina Rodov, piano
Abegg Variations, Op. 1 by Robert Schumann
Jennifer Li, piano
Liebst Du um Schönheit (If you love for beauty) by Clara Schumann
Sie liebten sich beide (They once loved each other)
Das Veilchen (The violet)
Was weinst du, Blümlein (Why do you weep, dear blossom)
Christine Menschner, soprano
Jennifer Li, piano

“Durchaus fantastisch und leidenschaftlich vorzutragen; Im Legenden-Ton” ( To perform fantastically and passionately; In legend sound from fantasy) from Fantasie in C major, Op. 17 by Robert Schumann
Nicole Kim, piano
Lorelei by Clara Schumann
Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen (He came in storm and rain)
Mein Stern (My star)
Ihr Bildnes (Her portrait)
Amber Rose Johnson, soprano
Abigail Habegger, piano
Andante Espressivo from Sonata No. 3 in F-minor, Op. 5, No. 2 by Johannes Brahms
This movement begins with a poem by Otto Inkermann under the pseudonym C.O. Sternau
Der Abend dämmert, das Mondlicht scheint (Through evening’s shade, the pale moon gleams)
Da sind zwei Herzen in Liebe vereint (while rapt in love’s ecstatic dreams)
Und halten sich selig umfangen Sternau (Two hearts are fondly beating)
Valentina Rodov, piano
“Mondnacht” (Moonlit night) from Liederkreis, Op. 39 by Robert Schumann
“Schöne Fremde”(Beauteous foreign land) from Liederkreis, Op. 39
Regina Thomas, soprano and Jennifer Li, piano
Piano Trio in G minor, Op.17, selections by Clara Schumann
Angie Kam, violin
Erika Pierson, cello
Abigail Habegger, piano