SEATTLE, Washington, February 1, 2025 (9am PST) — The Ladies Musical Club of Seattle is excited to announce a brand new digital archive collection, LMC’s Historical Sheet Music Collection, as well as new additions to our extensive collection of Artist Concert Series photographs and concert programs. New items are available for public and scholarly use at
Included in the new Historical Sheet Music Collection are musical scores annotated by famous American composers and performers, rare pieces of sheet music by local and LMC composers, and an extensive representation of 20th century women composers, including Dorothy Cadzow, Harriet Ware, Irene Rodgers, Amy Worth, Mary Turner Salter, Kate Black, Molly Carew, Clara Edwards, Elinor Warren.
New additions to LMC’s Artist Concert Series Collection represent more recent artists from the 1980s and 1990s, toward the end of the Artist Concert Series’ nearly 100 year run. These artifacts help fill in gaps in our prior collection and showcase a fuller range of music presented by LMC in the 20th century.
In total, an additional 175 documents — 581 pages — were digitized thanks to a generous Collections Care Grant from 4Culture. A new digital archive is forthcoming later this spring that will improve browsing and overall user experience.
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