1000 4th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
There is a garden in her face by John Ireland (1879-1962)
Katie Hochman, soprano Catherine Treadgold, mezzo soprano
Come to me in my dreams by Frank Bridge (1879-1941)
Love went a-riding
Katie Hochman, soprano
Full fathom five by John Ireland
You spotted snakes by Frederick Keel (1871-1954)
It was a lover by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
Katie Hochman, soprano Catherine Treadgold, mezzo soprano
Chevaux de bois (Horses of wood) by Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
La Mer est plus belle (The sea is more beautiful)
Catherine Treadgold, mezzo soprano
Puisqu’ici-bas toute âme (As each soul here below) by Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
Les trois oiseaux (The three birds) by Leo Delibes (1836-1891)
Au bord de l’eau (Au bord de l’eau) by Émile Paladilhe (1844-1926)
Katie Hochman, soprano Catherine Treadgold, mezzo soprano
Les trios Chanson (The three song) by Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937)
Mimi Pinson
Katie Hochman, soprano
Joie! (Joy) by Jules Massenet (1842-1912)
Marine (The sea)
Katie Hochman, soprano Catherine Treadgold, mezzo soprano
Summer schemes by John Ireland
Great things
Catherine Treadgold, mezzo soprano
La Nuit (The night) Op 11, no.1 Ernest Chausson (1855-1899)
Réveil (The awakening) Op 11, no.2
Katie Hochman, soprano Catherine Treadgold, mezzo soprano
Joan Lundquist, piano