Come join us on Saturday, March 20th at 2:00pm, 130 years to the day from our very first public concert in 1891!
Learn about the LMC’s early days and how we’ve preserved our history.
Hear music from the LMC’s first concert, including a piano piece that was performed on March 20th, 1891 and again on March 20th, 1916, when LMC members toasted 25 years of progress.
Raise a virtual glass with us in celebration of 130 years of cultivating music in Seattle!
To join the event, visit the LMC’s Facebook page, where LMC’s Virtual Concert Series airs.
Setting the Stage: LMC’s Early Years
Dr. Whitney Henderson, Music Historian and LMC’s Archivist
Danseuses de Delphes: Lent et grave by Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918) – Also Performed in 1916 at LMC’s 25th Anniversary Concert
Karin McCullough, piano
The LMC and MOHAI: Longtime Friends
Whitney and Dorene Kenkman, LMC Past President, 1988-1990, and longtime member
Rondino in G by Stephen Heller (1815 – 1888) – Also Performed at the LMC’s 1st Concert (1891) and 25th Anniversary (1916)
Valentina Rodov, piano
Cheers to 130 Years!
Raise a glass, Everyone!