116 Fairview Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
Tousjours servir je veuil la douce fleur” (Canonic Rondeau), Anonymus early 15th century
*from the Cypriot-French repertory of the manuscript Torino (ed. by Phil Neuman)
Duetto II in c-minor from the Second Book of Duets for Melody Instruments by Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)
Canonically Speaking, for two tenor recorders in canon by James Howard Young (b. 1975)
Três Duetos, pra flauta-doce soprano e contralto by Osvaldo Lacerda (1927 – 2011)
Sabine Endrigkeit and Vicki Boekman, recorders
It’s all I have to bring today by Craig Urquhart
On this wondrous sea by Craig Urquhart
The Lordly Hudson by Ned Rorem (1923- )
Early in the morning by Ned Rorem
Sure on this shining night by Samuel Barber (1910-1981)
La Bonne Cuisine (Four Recipes) Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
Come ready and see me by Richard Hundley (1981-2018)
Arise my love by Richard Hundley
Three Cowboy Songs by Libby Larsen (1950- )
Clarice Alfonso, soprano
Joan Lundquist, piano