The Life and Works of Franz Liszt

Saturday, October 5, 2019 @ 2:00 pm
Frye Art Museum
704 Terry Ave
WA 98104

Please note that seating is limited at the Frye Art Museum. It is still free but guests must have a ticket to enter. Patrons should plan to arrive 1/2 hour early.  See below for details on how to get tickets or click here to MAKE A RESERVATION.

The Life and Works of Franz Liszt (1811-1886)

Transcription of Schumann’s song Widmung (Dedication), S. 566 (1848)

Valentina Rodov, piano

S’il est un charmant gazon (If there’s a lovely grassy plot) S. 284, no. 1 (1884)
“Comment?” disaient ils (“How then?” he asked) S.276, No. 1 (1882)
Es muss ein wunderbares sein (It must be a wonderful thing), S. 314 (1852)

Ya-Li Lee, soprano and Maria Khavin, piano

Sonetto No 123 del Petrarca (Petrarch’s Sonnet, No. 123), S. 161, No. 6 (1846)

Joyce Gibb, piano

Die Lorelei (The Loreley) S. 273 (1854)
Ah, quand je dors (Ah, when I sleep) s. 282 (1849)

Amber Rose Johnson, soprano and TBA, piano

La Lugubre Gondola (The mournful gondola ), S. 134 (1883)

Erika Pierson, cello and Annie Center, piano

Concert Etude No. 2, La Leggierezza (Lightness) S. 144, No. 2 (1849)

Emiko Hori, piano


Tickets to this program are free of charge, and our seating capacity is limited. Free tickets, limit 2 per person, may be reserved in advance, up to two days before the program. The reserved tickets may be picked up on the day of the program at the desk in the foyer outside the auditorium. There is no late seating, so please arrive at least 15 minutes early. All unclaimed tickets (regardless of reservations) will be released to standby 10 minutes before the program!
Frye Members receive advance notice of programs and performances—become a member today and get the benefit of early registration!
On the day of the program, pre-registered and standby tickets will be available at the desk in the foyer outside the auditorium.
Tickets for Members may be picked up beginning one hour before the program.
Pre-registered tickets for nonmembers may be picked up beginning 30 minutes before the program.

All unclaimed tickets (regardless of reservations) will be released to standby 10 minutes before the program.