Scenes from La Clemenza di Tito by Mozart

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Friday, November 18, 2016 @ 7:30 pm
Crossroads Community Center
16000 NE 10th St
Bellevue, WA 98008
Titus Caesar

“Come ti piace imponi” (Whatever you wish)

Malya Muth as Vitellia     Katie Stevenson (guest artist) as Sesto

“Deh si piacer mi vuoi” (If you would like to please me)

Malya Muth as Vitellia

“Deh prendi un dolce amplesso” (Accept this heartfelt embrace)

Emily Riesser as Annio   Katie Stevenson (guest artist) as Sesto

“Ah perdona al primo affetto questo accento sconsigliato;” (Forgive this rashness born of my affection)

Emily Riesser as Annio     Leslie Stark as Servilia

“Ah, se fosse intorno al trono ogni cor cosi sincero” (Ah, if about a throne every heart were so sincere)

Tenor (guest artist) TBA as Tito

“Tu fosti tradito” (You were betrayed)

Emily Riesser as Annio

“Deh, per questo istante” (Ah, for just this moment)

Katie Stevenson as Sesto

Se all’impero, amici Dei, necessario e un cor severo!” (If a hard heart is necessary to a ruler, ye benevolent gods)

Tenor (guest artist) TBA as Tito

“S’altro che lacrime per lui non tenti” (If you do nothing but shed tears for him)

Leslie Stark as Servilia

“Ecco, il punto, o Vitellia…Non più di fiori” (Now is the moment, Vitellia…Flowers no more)

Malya Muth as Vitellia

“Ma, che giorno è mai questo?” (But what a day this is!)

Tenor (guest artist) TBA as Tito

“Tu è ver, m’assolvi” (You forgive me)


Stage Direction, Tom Sunderland (guest artist)

Violins, Candice Chin & Ann Rackl
Viola, Carolyn Wyman
Cello, Terry Cook
Piano, Joan Lunquist
Conductor, TBA